Guide to Connecting Your Wallet to Sparrow Wallet

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on connecting your existing UTXORD wallet extension to Sparrow Wallet.

Before you begin:

  • Make sure you have access to your UTXORD wallet seed phrase. This is a crucial piece of information required to connect your wallet to Sparrow


Downloading Sparrow Wallet:

  1. Download Sparrow Wallet from the official website.

Connecting to Sparrow Wallet Guide Step 1

   2. Choose the appropriate installer: Depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux), select the correct download link


Connecting your UTXORD Wallet to Sparrow:

  1. Launch Sparrow Wallet: Once installed, find the Sparrow Wallet application and open it.
  2. Create a new wallet:
  • Go to the File menu and select New Wallet.
  • Enter a descriptive name for your wallet (e.g., "UTXORD Wallet").
  • Click Create Wallet

Connecting to Sparrow Wallet Guide Step 3


Configure Script Type and Keystore:

  • In the Script Type settings, choose "taproot (P2TR)".
  • Under Keystores, click "New or Imported Software Wallet".

Connecting to Sparrow Wallet Guide Step 4



Import your UTXORD Wallet Seed Phrase:

  • Select "Mnemonic Words (BIP39)" and choose "Use 12 Words".
  • Important: Enter the exact 12-word seed phrase you received when creating your UTXORD wallet extension. Do not share this information with anyone.
  • Click "Create Keystore".

Connecting to Sparrow Wallet Guide Step 5



Set Up Derivation Paths:

  • To manage your Satoshis:
    • In the Derivation Path field, enter "m/84'/1'/0'/".
    • Click "Import Derivation Keystore".
  • To manage your Inscriptions (optional):
    • In a separate Derivation Path field, enter "m/84'/1'/1'/".
    • Click "Import Derivation Keystore".

Connecting to Sparrow Wallet Guide Step 6a


Connecting to Sparrow Wallet Guide Step 6b



Review and Apply:

  • A pop-up window will display the information you entered. Double-check for any typos or errors.
  • Click "Apply" to confirm the import


Using Sparrow Wallet:

  • Once the connection is established, you can use Sparrow Wallet to:
    • View your UTXORD wallet balance.
    • Send and receive Bitcoin transactions.
    • Manage your addresses.
    • Track your transaction history.
    • NOT for inscription withdrawal


We hope this guide was helpful! Please share any feedback or questions in the #technical-support channel of our Discord.

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